December 28, 2007
December 27, 2007
When the parents would go to Aunt Sissy, Cathy would always come and get me and take me somewhere else so i wouldn't have to be around the grown folks, and then I always stayed at Connie's house during the night, she always opened her home up to me, even though she had a son younger than me!! Thanks Connie i really appreciate it! ~ Those are memories that have been burned into my heart and I love you for it!!
Furfer has really become an awesome older cousin in the last 2yrs! She always has been, but I guess we finally found are notch on the tree of being a Driggers! And she has learned to always know when to make me laugh and when to sit down and be the mother type!!
Alice, what can I say, I have spent many of nights/weekends with her, she is one that really showed me how to be a driggers' and that it's okay to go down and see family! She always made the road trips fun, (partially because i always road with her/or at least tried to ride with her)!!
Brandi, what can i say i always tried to be at deerfield with her, or be at Granny BooBoo's when she was there. I can say that as a child i spent a whole lot more time with mom's side of the family, from the friday night's at granny's (to me telling my mother when she would drop me off, to leave me at the top of the road and i would walk down)!! That street sure was a lot safer back in the day!! To a plate full of french fries and homemade pizza's at night, to Bobbie Jean waking us up Saturday morning @ 6, to granny saying whatcha want for breakfast in 25 words or less??!!! To trick or treating around the neighborhood you in costume, me in jeans. To crazy ole dean bat, to Charley Brown scaring the heebee jeebies out of us with his mask, to Mr. Murfee with his practical jokes (a different one every year)!! There a lot of memories i have with you B. Thanks!!! and i love you for each of them!!
Well enough rambling, I am thankful for my older cousins, and just hope that i can be an awesome "older" cousin too!!!
Posted by
8:12 AM
December 26, 2007
congrats to my uncle donnie for his retirement, when i get the pics from furfer, i'll put some here.
i am very proud of you!!!
Posted by
3:53 PM
The day after Christmas
Well I promise to upload pictures from the past couple of days as soon as i get the ones from Bre, and get my computer hooked back up!
i hope you all had an awesome CHRISTmas season!!
Posted by
3:51 PM
December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas to all
The Alabama Night Before Christmas....
By: E.J. Sullivan'
Twas an Alabama Night Before Christmas,
and from Mentone to Dothan
Not a creature was stirring
-even vulcan was snorin'.
Our stockings were hungon the glass sliding doors,
Near the sand -dollar wind chimes
Mom got in Gulf Shores.
Baby Sister was snuggled all safe in her bed
With visions of cheerleader stuff in her head.
And me in my Bama jammies, and Luke in his War Eagles,
Were just settling in with Buck and Buster, our beagles.
When out by the gas grill I heard a noise
you wouldn't believe-
It was louder than our tailgate party on Iron Bowl Eve!
I sprang to the window
and threw open the shutter
Armed with Dad's new autographed
Hubert Green putter!
The moon was as bright as the new Dollar Store
They put in down the road-it's open all hours!
And then what to my wondering eyes should I spy
But a Marshall Space rocket blazing on by!
With a little old driverso lively 'n' quick,
He coulda won Talladegaten times in a lick!
Eight terrified reindeerhung on for dear life
And he hollered so loud
I could hear him in flight:
Hang on Mary-Kate,Shane, Trey, and J.D.!
Hold on Tiffany, Junior, Bo, and Lurlene!
From Birmingham's skyline
to the banks of the Tallapoosa-
Now fly to Mobile, through Montgomery and Tuscaloosa!
You know when the Doppler Radar comes on TV
Showing how tornadoes are gonna blow us all away?
Well that's how this rocketship made the sky look -
Got me so worked up I needed a Buffalo Rock!
As I finished my drink I saw our magnolia tree shake
When the bottom of that rocketship started to scrape.
I looked up through the limbs and caught him red-handed--
On our DeSoto Caverns birdhouse Santa'd crash landed!
Bless his heart. He looked bigger than Ruben to me,
With hair white as Stabler's tangled up in that tree.
Mom's always saying I should help folks who are older
So I helped him get down onto our John Deere mower.
Santa headed insidein two licks and a shake
And filled all our stockingswith Little Debbie cakes.
Then he looked right at me, and before goin' out the door
Slapped on top of the TV some new bass fishing lures.
He fired up his rocket and soon they were gone,
All the while telling those deer to hang on.
But I heard him holler out as his rig sped away,
"Merry Christmas, Alabama!
I wish I could stay!"
Posted by
3:44 PM
December 18, 2007
Prattville Girls Christmas/Bells Bday
Bells & Mrs. Angela
(back row): LuLu, Linda, Bells, Mrs Angela, Angie
(front row): Margot & Me Okay so i don't know what happened with the girl who took the picture, but Angie didn't make it into the photo (Sorry Angie)!!!
Posted by
8:54 PM
December 16, 2007
Kids are the future!!!!!!

Tyler, wow where has the year gone?
He has grown so much in a short time!! I am so
lucky to have these 3 in my life. I can't wait to
watch the three of you grow up in the future.
Posted by
2:20 PM
December 14, 2007
Driggers,McDonald's,Carter's,Bullard's,Schofield's,Gilley's,Hartsfield's,Pilgreen's Christmas 2007
Posted by
10:14 PM
Posted by
9:13 AM
December 10, 2007
December 8, 2007
I thought I saw Santa Claus
Well, what can I say, Me & B ran into good ole Saint Nick today, can you guess where he was???. Let me tell you, we found Him at Walmart!.!.!
Posted by
7:10 PM
December 3, 2007
Okay so even though thanksgiving wasn't that quiet this year, I was still thankful to be able to have some of my family around me... While on the other hand I was also glad about the mashed potatos that Aunt May brought, they are the best!!!!
I was really glad I got to see Mark & Kim also, Kim is a trip to be around and then when you put her and my aunt may together, it's a hoot to watch!!! I love the both of them. Even though in the past I have had several run in's with Mark, you know I kninda had to learn that if he didn't love me, then he wouldn't pick on me (Thanks Kim)!!!! I hope you got a lot of good deals Kim!!!
After Lunch at Granny Boozer's I came home and put my feet up and watched Shrek 3rd and fell asleep on the sofa.
My cousin Chris also deported on that Saturday going over seas to serve his country!!! I am super proud of him
Posted by
2:04 PM