Meet the Famous "J-BO", this is mom's brother! He is down visiting Granny Boo and the rest of the family. Usually you can't get him on the banks of the pond "from fishing" to be able to take a picture. But hey, we went to a Seafood place tonight, so it still had something to do with Fish!!
We don't get to see him very much especially since he doesn't live in the Bama! But he is a straight Bama Boy!!
April 26, 2008
Did someone say JBo?
Posted by
10:11 PM
The Tale of the Frances
Okay people i know it's been a little bit since I have posted new pictures of me. But this one was just taken 2hrs ago. This is my sweet wonderful Granny Boo-Boo. I was noticing she is really short compared to me huh? Granny Boo will tell you, you don't die, you just shrink!!! I use to tell her as a kid, it's okay granny if you shrink, I'll just put you in my pocket and take you everywhere I go~~~
Isn't she adorable though???
Posted by
10:07 PM
April 18, 2008
Live, Love, Laugh
Live, Love, Laugh
Living single is the life for me
Don't have to answer to anyone
Especially to NO man
Life's a peach
Everything's in my reach.
Love is grand
Don't need NO man
I pay my own bills,
Don't take no pills
I am not even branded!
The only man I need
the only man I have to have
is my poppie
Drop the beads
I love to read.
Live, Love, Laugh
it's the new motto
for lil ole me.
Posted by
3:51 PM
April 17, 2008
Ever have one of those days where you just wanna goof around??
Me in the hat??? Just wanted to show that I do have a side that isn't so serious. I love to goof around, hat's, big glasses....
Hope you all have an awesome day!!!
Posted by
8:30 AM
April 12, 2008
Well, guess you could say I was in one of my moods again, I walked into my Salon and told Brenda to cut it all off, that I was tired of it!!!! It's probably about 3-4ins in the back, so yep, it's really short this time. She grabbed her little pink blade and went to town, There is a lot more white in it this time, you can tell, because I was trying to be cute and tilt my head! Oh well.
Posted by
2:53 PM
April 11, 2008
To be a daughter of a Twin
Well, my great Uncle passed away, so it's been a little around the crib, so i am just now getting some of my posting done. You know I can honestly say, where would I be without such awesome friends and wonderful cousins! They truly know how to make a smile appear on my face!
Okay so anyone who knows me knows my father is a twin, well let me bring you up to the conversation that was told to me on Wednesday of this week:
"So you know Alice right, well her dad is a twin, and she is the younger sister to Jennifer, well Michelle is the younger cousin to both, and belongs to the other twin"...
Usually in the past, this conversations ends with, "Do you know Alice & Jennifer"?? Which ends with me going, nope, never met them a day in my life! Can you introduce me? and then they look at me like i am crazy as you know what!!!
Posted by
8:03 AM
April 9, 2008
I've been tagged!!!
Thanks Amy!!!
Five things on my to do list:
1. Email Lottie my questions
2. Finish Prenee
3. Start making my calls for the Together We Grow Banquet at Church
4. Accountabilatta @ 845
5. Call Alice tonight & see how her weeks going on the new job
Five Snacks I Enjoy:
1. Porkskins
2. Chips & Dip
3. Starburst
4. Banana
5. Payday
Five things I would do if I were a Billionaire:
1. Retire
2. Give money to the Church
3. Give to a Charity
4. Pay off my car
Five Bad Habits:
1. Suck on my tongue
2. Twirl my hair
3. Bite my nails
4. Get really quiet
5. Call Bre or Furfer and Vent!!!
Five Places I have Lived:
1. Alabama
Five Jobs I have Had:
1. Teleconference communicator
2. Temp with Revenue
3. Insurance Specialist
**that's it i am only 26 people**
Posted by
1:44 PM
April 7, 2008
To Remember
Well I went a couples of weeks ago to visit my uncle rex at his job to check on him and see how things were going, and he nearly bought tears to my eyes, we got to talking about Mrs. Bertha, and remembering what an awesome friend she was to him, well i couldn't stay long with him, but he had me thinking about Mrs. Bertha and all that she did for me!
See I have know Mrs. Bertha since i was very small kid, when mom use to take me up to where dad use to work (the late night shift) and I Mrs. Bertha always fascinated me, mom use to tell me that would be the first person i would search for when i got up there! What can I say she always made me feel special, well her & Mrs. Minnie did.
I can remember being a very small child up there once and Mrs. Bertha & Mrs. Minnie took me down to the cafeteria with them for lunch one day. Boy did i think i was the coolest person ever, I got to go and hang out with the grown-ups no parents!!! I walked hand in hand with the two of them, anytime they would pass someone in the hall that they knew, the first words out of there mouth's were, who's little girl do you all have?? Mrs. Bertha would always say, Mine!!! Isn't she beautiful???
Through out the years, and now it has been 26yrs, Mrs. Bertha was the one that always make me feel like i was part of her family, she even acted like another mom, alsways asking how i was doing, how i was feeling, how was life, had i found prince charming????
So Uncle Rex, thanks for helping to remember one of the special people in my life!!!
Posted by
1:57 PM
April 6, 2008
Well since the candidates these days don't know how to handle themselves in public, I thought it was time, that I would run!!! Whatcha think??
Posted by
3:48 PM