July 31, 2008

Always a Mother, Now a Friend

What up peoples??? I think the older I get, the more I

seem to realize, what a "Mother" actually is:

1. A mother

2. A Friend

~If you get to the point in your life, where you mother becomes your friend, then you truly have come to the "most" important part of your life... Grant you this post should be directed towards my younger crowd, but hey, none the less, my "older" crowd should know exactly what I am thinking about.

I have come to the conclusion, that hey she's my mom, and I love her to death, but now I have this individual who has been through the things I have been through, and knows exactly where I am coming from if I just look at her and say, hey I think i need a candy bar?!?!?!?

Hope you all know, I am just not figuring this out either, I learned some truth to this at the age of 19, laying in a hospital bed fighting for my life and to my surprise in walked Mrs. Minnie, now if you know the history of my family, you should know what I am talking about her!!!! Mrs Minnie, showed me what a "True Christian Woman (that I am not related too) should be and act like!!!! Though I do feel like I am related to you Mrs. Minnie, heck you have been in my life since little ole me can remember...

Oh well, I guess I have "preached" enough today, but I just wanted you all to know how blessed I am to have this woman in my life.

July 30, 2008

Well See What Had Happened

Okay so I called to talk to my cousin Renee yesterday afternoon, and guess who she said i was???

can you guess........ **Okay here at this time, most of you would say Alice, because we all know including me, that I can sound just like her from time to time**

but nope it wasn't alice!!!

It was Connie.... Ha Ha Ha

I guess spending the weekend around her, I picked up her accent tone!!! Go figure!!!!

Watch out World, the next person i want to sound like is The Queen of Elizabeth!!!

Gosh Connie, guess you have a "Mini Me" around somewhere!!!

Though I am really glad i got to talk to Renee for the time that I did......... It's amazing how much you start remembering about the little things that have gone on in the past with that person while you are on the phone with them.

Okay so today, I was at lunch, and before i knew i had my whole cup (20oz) of sprite on my lap!! Can you say cold??~ Luckily for me I had on black pants, so it wasn't that bad looking~~~


I was looking through the "Driggers'" Album that I making, and found some picture that I don't think many of the family may have. So if you see the book, and you want a copy of the picture, let me know, I can copy it and get it to you. **I do have most of them scanned in** For those that haven't seen the book, let me know, and i will bring it to you!!!!

Hope you all are having an Awesome Wednesday.. I am super excited because I get to see B & Toodleboot tonight!!! Woohoo

July 28, 2008

It's Monday here

What up people??? It's Monday here, we got back yesterday from the trip to Moultrie, oh my gosh what a fun trip!!! Though i wish i had, had more time to visit with several of the people from the family!!!

Will & Megan
Uncle Johnny & Aunt Sissy

Though i did get to see them all and spend a little time with them, I would love to have spent another couple of days!!!

*****Guess I am going to have to take another trip soon*******
But i am extremely glad that I went and was able to attend the Rehearsal Dinner Friday night, and the B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. wedding Saturday!!!!
I would NOT have been any other place!!!

July 25, 2008

1st Experience

Okay so we are in Moultrie, and i just had my first experience of having my toes done!!

July 24, 2008

On the way to Moultrie

This is on the way to Moultire...

Will & Megan

Okay so i am super stoked, my cousin Will is getting married (this Saturday), to one of the coolest girls i have ever met!!!!

I can't believe he is getting married, this would be where some people would say I feel O.L.D., but i am not going to say that. **Because I am 4 yrs from hitting 30 and I really don't want to feel O.L.D. yet!!!

They are the cutest couple together, I will post pictures of the wedding when we get back!

I love you both!!!

Uncle Rob & Aunt Jan

My prayer & thoughts go out to my Uncle Rob & Aunt Jan, in the loss of Uncle Rob's Mother, Ms McDonald.

I love you with all My heart Uncle Rob!!!

July 22, 2008

Jennifer & Baby Parker

Okay so Jennifer (my cousin Brandi's sister-in-law) *also known as my favorite in-law* is due this Thursday on the 24th. I know she is getting super excited, and is just really ready to hold Parker in her arms!!

I just would ask that you all pray that her delivery process be easy and not painful!!! And continue to pray for her throughout everything!!!!

She is an awesome person, and is super to have in your life...

July 20, 2008

Awesome Day for a flight

I know today is a very special day for a friend of mine. Her brother comes home from being in Germany for a little over a year.

So I would like to say to Michael>>>>>>

Welcome Home!!!!

July 19, 2008

MSG from Uncle Donnie & Aunt Carol

Good Morning People's. It's Saturday here at the Drigg's household. I thought I would share that My Uncle Donnie & Aunt Carol are on Vacation with MR. & Mrs. Gilley. We got a postcard from them in yesterdays mail.. ***What's that super sweet of them***
It's from when they were in Yellowstone. Look how beautiful..
I hope you all are having an AWESOME time. Tell my Mr. Gilley hello for me!!!
I love you all.

July 16, 2008

Smoothies N Things

Okay, so i walked with some friends of mine to try a new restaurant. It's downtown Montgomery. It was really good!!

This would be one that I owuld recommend. Though I think next I would like to try a different Smoothie. This time I tried the Strawberry Colada... I would recommend it as well.

~The smoothie I got.

July 14, 2008


Meet KK she is an awesome friend, and I am very lucky to have her in my life....
I love you girl!!!

Saturday Cook-Out

Fun in the Sun with a Slip n Slide


Well, it's monday people, and you all know how much i dislike them, I know they are apart of life, and I must get through Monday to get to the rest of the week....

But ~ today seems like it is dragging on forever...

I have a huge headache and it is killing me...

Any suggestions???

New color

Only Mrs. Brenda can take me from the Above to the one below...

That's right people, I am almost Blone again...

July 10, 2008


Well tomorrow will be a S.A.D. day in the life of me. Tomorrow will be the last day that Mrs. Brenda (the stylist) will ever do my hair!!!

****enter the tears****

But I am very thankful that God allowed her into my life, and I wish her & her family nothing but the best in the future....

I am not going to say Goodbye, because I know deep down in my heart it will not be Goodbye.

Mexico Tipico

Okay people listen up...

My parents ran into Buck & Mrs. Beverly the other night at Mexico Tipico *I don't know about you all, but us Driggers' love of us Mexico Tipico* And they gave mom blogsites for Susan & her family , & Lisa & her family... So i am super excited!!!

For those you, that don't know, I love being able to keep up with family~ though i may not be able to see them on a daily basis, I still like to keep in touch with them.

For those of you that didn't know, Buck ~ is my mother's cousin ~ He is also married my parents!!! So Buck thanks!!!

Buck & Mrs. Beverly have a special place in my heart *and always will*. I love them dearly!

July 8, 2008

Happy Belated Anniversary

I want to wish a Happy Belated Anniversary to two of my favorite people in the world..

July 6, 2008

To Renee

Just a quick shout out to one of my wonderful cousins!!!

I hope you are doing alright. I saw you commented a few blogs back on the 4th...

Have your ears been burning? I am working on the Driggers' side scrapbook and did a full page dedicated to my Renee...

Boy has it been a great 26yrs. I love hearing the stories (mom tells me), Okay so the only picture that i am in below, is the group one, I am in the Womb!!!

A little Late

I hope everyone had an awesome 4th of July... I spent it at home with a migrane!! What a way to spend it huh?

July 1, 2008

Shout Out to Angie

I would like to T.H.A.N.K. Angie for the fingernail polish... She is a cool person to have in your life..


Though i think i am going to put some white stripes on it tonight when i get home..

You all know i am very different when it comes to it. But I love the color...
