January 31, 2009
January 30, 2009
It's friday here people in the blog world.
I am so glad it's friday, though I think I should have walked out of here when LULU did! Yes I am giving LULU a B.I.G. shout out!
If you all don't know by now, I am a huge Madea fan (a.k.a. Tyler Perry), Well I just got Tyler Perry's book "Don't make a Black Woman take off her Earings". If you have not read it or in (my case listened to it), then I would suggest it 100%. **UR, see me, I will have it for you to listen too)!!!
I get my hair done tomorrow, and I am really excited, yep it's time to do a change up! Can you guess what a Change Up means?!?!?!?!? Any clue?
So I am really hoping that I did not offend my dad's side of the family when a post just a few back?!?!? If i did, call me, lets talk about it!
So my girl's birthday was this week. I hope she had an awesome Birthday Happy Birthday Red. I love you Girl!!!
I just wanted Aunt Jan to know I am thinking about you, keep your head up, and I am also praying for you.
Did I also tell you all that my Uncle Jack & Aunt JC, got 2 new babies?!?!?! I can't wait!!!
Posted by
1:24 PM
January 29, 2009
My wonderful cousin BRE, emailed pictures of young Abbs yesterday. May I first say, wow, has she grown so much since the last time I have seen her. And she is getting so long too. (You can especially see this in the picture of her sitting in her dad's chair B).
It's amazing to see the difference in her in just a little over a week.
I can't wait to see her SOON, I am quite sure I will be able to tell a lot more differneces.
She is adorable.
I just wanted to share this to all of you!!
Posted by
7:59 AM
January 28, 2009
Commissioner of Insurance
Awesome man.... Yes can you believe my crocs are now legal again!!!!
Give me some!!!
So in love!!!
Posted by
6:18 PM
Posted by
6:16 PM
Hey People,
It's Wednesday here in Blog world, I thought i would share somethings I have learned in the past 24hours:
1. There is a consequence for everything you do, whether it be good or bad.
2. That I am super thankful for Red, she is the bestfriend a girl could ever ask for.
3. I have a higher tolerance than I thought I did.
4. I see I have a lot to learn about UR
5. I am proud of my father!
6. Saying a huge thank you to Dale Yarbrough.
7. Stress is an everyday thing that any human being will encounter (he the big name folks in hollywood)! And as long as you keep your faith, there will be no problem!
8. I am really looking forward to seeing BRE & ABBS this week hopefully?!!?!?!
9. I learned the most awesome thing to watch in life: is to watch a child grow, watch a child learn differnet things, and my favorite is to watch a Child Smile!!! :)
Posted by
6:09 PM
January 26, 2009
It's Monday
First of all.
Happy Monday people.
Second of all.
Smile. Life is good.
Third of all.
I was able to talk to my Connie this afternoon which made me smile.
Fourth of all.
I got a call from the mystery guy who knows how to make me smile!
Posted by
5:57 PM
January 24, 2009
Scrapping brought to you
Here are some scrapbook pages I did this weekend! On this page is Martha A. Brown, she is the mother to Howard Joe Lamb (Look down at the bottom to see him).
This picture is of two pages side by side,
The left one is of Howard Joe Lamb He is the father of, Granny Esther
The one on the right is of Mary Lu Emma Danford "Mollie" she is the wife to Howard Joe Lamb and the mother of Granny Esther.
Posted by
3:59 PM
Me & Abbie
Posted by
3:48 PM
January 23, 2009
From years and years
of kissing DIRTY frogs
God placed a gentleman
In the middle of my life,
One seminar about Preneed
A few hours later
I spotted Red Hair
And the most cutest smile.
This guy walked straight
up to me,
Of course I expected
The usual pick-up lines,
But he was straight up Front
Asked me if I was,
married,single, or taken?
First response
I asked why?
He told me He had met
his soulmate.
First thought; are you nuts?
A lot of the times,
In the past,
Nothing would have been
this simple,
The only problem,
My so called soulmate
Lays his head in Birmingham,
Though only an hour away,
I still have the choice
To see Him when I please.
Mom was extremely pleased,
because for once in my life,
I knew the guys last name,
Are you pleased?
Can you believe it?
I finally seem to have
Pleasednot only family,
Which in an reality,
I could careless.
What all should matter is,
For a chance upon my face,
I have nothing but a smile
For you see,
I have started
To get my life straight
You see I was born
Into a Christian Family,
And just recently have
Rededicated my life to Christ.
So the way God is
Working in my life,
I think I may have
Posted by
9:14 PM
A few Questions
Yeah well what can I say I have a few Questions or maybe I should say comments:
1. Where's the sun?
2. What's in a name?
3. Do you all have loud friends?
4. Is it 4 o'clock yet?
5. I think i may need a vacation, how can you tell?
6. Why are most "girls" haters?
7. Am I the only one who knows who NKOTB are?
8. Am I the only one who can get inspiration from a song?
9. Yes I do have the most creative AUNT in the whole world!
10. Yes #9's name is May
11. Yes I did write the Poem in the previous post
12. Yes I do have 3 sets of Twins in my life
13. Why yes I do still have a grandparent on this earth.
14. Yes I think have met a really great guy (though he lives in Bham)
15. Yes I will tell you about him, shoot me an email
16. I sort of believe in Love at First Sight
17. I have 2 KK's in my Life.
18. Yes I like to draw
19. And yes I do have A.D.D. (mom's tells me I got that one honestly)
20. Yes I do like music, it calms my nerves down a lot of times.
21. Matter of fact I do like to write. (i want to have something published one day)
22. Yes I do have cousins that are younger than me.
23. Yes I do know a Film Producer
24. No it's not who you think it would be either!
25. Yes I have a few awesome friends in my life.
27. Yes I am trying to work on my life.
28. No it's not for the reason you would think it would be either!
29. See I have a lot of kids that are special to me in my life, and I don't want anything I would say to influence them to not be the person they were put on this earth to be.
30. No I am not on Drugs.
31. Yes I do still live at Home with my parents.
32. Yes I do try to be just like my Aunt May (she's really an awesome person to look up too).
33. Hope you enjoy life day by day. Hour by hour.
Posted by
12:46 PM
January 22, 2009
We walk just alike
Talk just alike
Act just alike
Nothing but a few years
are what separate.
Fathers are twins,
No need for tears,
Its been an awesome 27 years.
Family has come
Most have gone,
We have been
Pretty close through out time
From fears,
To trials
People have walked in,
but only the ones
with a pure heart
seem to have the balls
to want to stay.
You have done so many things
I have yet had the pleasure
you're a wife,
also a mother
Even a home owner!
If you would have asked me
When I was a child
If we would ever talk
outside of family outings
I would have told you
I know we have had
some douts
and even some issues
but I do know
no matter how many times
as a teen
Hearing people asking me
do you know alice?
Are you related to her?
You sure you know her?
But my all time fav is
when a teacher
first day in class
calling my name
looking at me going
So yeah, I am a Driggers
No this isn't my natural hair color,
Yes my Dad's a twin,
Yes that does mean they
have the same D.O.B.
No I am not married
Yes I do have a southern twang
Yes I can have a life.
Just to share a few differences
So yes we may:
Walk just alike
Act just alike
Talk just alike
But see we do have differences.
Posted by
6:53 PM
January 21, 2009
Did you hear
What's up People?
It's Me here, standing out in here blog world all by myslef. And you know what I am not scared one bit!!
I am super exctied about today. Let me tell you why:
1. God allowed me to wake up this morning and get out of bed, so no complaints.
2. I was able to help a customer over the phone that cussed me out yesterday.
3. That lady apologized 30 times today for cussing me yesterday.
4. My crocs are being cleaned because Captain thought he would get a little excited yesterday
5. I got to speak to my Bre this morning.
6. Do you know what Tummy Time Is?
7. I now know what Tummy Time Is, and I don't think I like it either!!!
8. My popcorn didn't burn today! *yeah*
9. I got to talk to my mom this morning, before everything got super busy.
10. Kayla is one person for the books...!!!
11. Work wasn't that bad today, A special thanks to Audrey on this one!!!
12. Have you all had the chance to meet Audrey? If you haven't, she is one person you need to.
13. I am awaiting to see what the DR tells Aunt Carol.
14. Has anyone heard?
15. I also plan on speaking to my Connie soon. I like being able to talk to her at least once during the week, Or at least this is going to be something i start. Connie is an awesome person to have in your life. If she is not in your life now, sorry her appointment book is full, in other owrds I don't want to share her!!!
16. UR, made me smile today! Let's be real, He always knows how to make me smile. You are one of a kind UR, and I am extremely blessed that I have you in my life. *Also for him, his appointment book is full too, I do not want to share*
That's it for today I am out of here!!!
Think I will go see what Abbs is up to later!
Posted by
1:53 PM
January 19, 2009
Recent pics of me
Posted by
10:25 AM
Let me bring the world up to date:
It's Monday morning here and I am off from work, and I am planning on sitting on my BIG BUTT and watch DVD'S all day long!
Being woken up this am by 4 different dogs barking like they are on fire or something tends to leave the head spinning like I am in a tornado and can't find my way out of this H.O.L.E, and you all know I am not a morning person to begin with and not getting enough sleep seems to add to my crankiness!!!!!
So here is a few questions for you all:
1. Have you all seen Facing the Giants?
2. What's the difference between Animal Crackers & Animal Cookies?
3. Have you all seen The Family that Preys?
4. What makes a Reese's Cup so dagum good?
5. Have you heard of the group Kansas?
6. Okay you all know I am a huge fan of Queen Latifah, and the USA network has been showing every movie that she has been in!!!
Tomorrow is Tuesday and is the day that they swear Obama in. It ought to be a wonderful time.
So I got to see the Worlds cutest cousin a few days ago. Yep I am talking about Abbie! Just to see how much she has grown in the short little time that I had seen her last! I can't wait for the next time to see her, because everytime I get to see her there are several changes in her! (P.S. YOU KNOW I AM A HUGE FAN OF WATCHING KIDS STICK THEIR TONGUES OUT)!!!!!!
well I am going to end this post for now!
Much love and I will post at you all later
Posted by
9:39 AM
January 12, 2009
January 11, 2009
Sounding Board
A great thank you goes out to (my aunt) for being a sounding board for me this weekend! You know it's not healthy to have all of those emotions bottled up!!!
I just wanted to say thanks!
Posted by
8:08 PM
So what have you done with your life?
A sort of tag. Copy and paste this list and boldface what you have done. We might learn something about each other we didn't know before!
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain.
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29 Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33 Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41 Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45 Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60 Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Gotten flowers for no reason
64 Donated blood, platelets, or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66 Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67 Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79 Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the paper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
Posted by
7:19 PM
January 10, 2009
To be a Driggers
Question what’s a Driggers? Do you know? What defines a Driggers? Some would say, maybe it’s the white hair? Or do you know the twins? Is it a tractor? Is it the country? Maybe it’s even a peanut? Or, what about the cotton? Does anyone know? Can anyone tell little ole me?
Some might even say it could be because of a little ole Lamb. Maybe it’s the reunions, or maybe the fish cookouts? What about the trips up to the cemetery? What about the trips through downtown New Brockton? Maybe it was the tractor tire? Do you remember that? What about the flowers that are planted inside?
What about the old swing down by the road near the ole pecan tree? What about the barn? Do you remember what was kept inside? The only thing that sticks out the most is my bubble lawn mower.
Do you remember running through the fields from Granddaddy’s to Uncle Joe’s? Do you remember the kitchen inside Granddaddy’s house? Do you remember having to stand on a stool to wash dishes? What about the chair Granddaddy sat in? Do you remember the overalls? Or the Dickey suits that he wore? What about his glasses? Do you remember as a child, how long it took to get down to Driggerville, and then how fast you got back home?
Do you remember going over to see Uncle Ellis and Aunt Eloise? Do you remember the ole dog that would always bark, and then want to knock you down when you walked up the long stairs on the large hill? You know the older you get, the more you start to realize the hill wasn’t that bad. Do you remember getting to see Taylor and Becca over there also? Getting to go into the back and watch T.V. in the den? Do you remember how Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Debbie (Pirkle) would always swing by to see family also? Mrs. Debbie always treated me like one of her kids.
Do you remember the day Granny Juddie came into Granddaddy’s life? Do you remember the trips after they got married? I don’t think we ever ate much at Granddaddy’s once they got married; we always ate at Captain D’s. Do you remember her when her grandkids came? It was like the Driggers’ grandkids didn’t even exist in her eyes!
Do you remember the days Granddaddy got sick? Mom found a little bell so when I was down, I became Granddaddy’s nurse. In all reality I probably didn’t actually do anything but he would always smile the biggest smile I had ever seen every time he rang that bell. Do you know I still have it? When things got extremely bad and they put him in the hospital because he was dying, I felt so terrible, I was five years shy of the age limit to go back to see him. I watched everybody go in and out, and I wasn’t allowed to even say anything to him or to anybody.
The week granddaddy died, Mom grabbed me up and went to the nurses’ station and pleaded for them to allow me to go back so that I could at least say goodbye to my grandfather. Turns out one of the nurses had a heart, I was finally granted permission to say my final goodbyes to the only grandfather that I knew here on this Earth.
The day of his funeral I didn’t cry one bit, until I walked outside and there stood my mom’s mom, Granny Boozer. She had on her long tan coat, she opened it and I just shoved my head in and cried my eyes out. She made it a lot easier. You see my Granny Boozer (mom’s mom) was really close to Granddaddy Elee & Granny Esther, my late grandfather, Harvey Boozer and her, loved to go to New Brockton and see them, and spend time with them. I love to sit on the couch and listen to the stories that Granny Boozer tells about Granny Esther and Granddaddy Elee to this day.
By the way, I was also in my first wedding ever around this time or a little bit ahead of it. I was the flower girl in Renee and Nick’s wedding, can you believe it, I was a flower girl? Yeah though I almost got my butt tore up on several occasions during the rehearsal before the wedding by my mother, because let’s just say, I found everything that Connie and Cathy were doing very interesting. (If you didn’t know Connie and Cathy are Aunt Sissy’s girls, well I guess you could say grown women now.) But every time they sat down, I plopped my behind down not far from where they were. Okay, now can you imagine my mom sitting out in the church, giving me the evil eye (which meant get your butt up now, and act right). Well needless to say, I never did, because Connie and Cathy never did. Guess you could say they always had my attention growing up as a child, and I admit not much has changed from that day to the present!!! Yep, those are what I always told mom were the cool cousins (don’t get offended if you are another cousin besides them reading this. They were always years and years and years ahead of me in age, I found them interesting), it’s nothing against the rest of you all.
Mom has always told me the story of how I spent my first few months after my birth; can you remember back that far? Mom told it every time we went down to Driggerville when I was a baby, you could always find me with Renee, and the older I got, the more you could find me on her hip. Well at least until I could walk probably. I have this picture in my keepsake box, that has me as a baby and I am being held by Renee, mom always said It was like I was Renee’s sidekick.
My cousin Renee and her family moved into Granddaddy’s house, after Granny Juddie moved to Florida, or as some would say off the face of the Earth. Several years went by, and then came along my second cousin, Yousaf, which is Renee and Nick’s first son. Let me tell you a little bit about Yousaf. As a child, I always found him interesting. Renee and Nick always had him in everything creative. To me it was really cool. I must say, I remember the violin, or at least I think it was a violin, (remind me if it wasn’t Renee), Yousaf was just a unique and brilliant kid.
Several years went by and Granddaddy’s house burned to the ground, only thing that was left was the poured foundation. That was really hard to see, and extremely hard to watch dad, Uncle Donnie, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Sissy see that. Though I must say, I got to see about a dozen of my cousins but it wasn’t under good circumstances. Isn’t that usually how things happen, the people you would love to see on a regular basis, you end up only seeing them during awful circumstances? Life went on not always for the best, but I learned a lot.
Do you remember after not seeing Cathy or Connie in several years, and at a reunion at Uncle Joe’s, Cathy hugged me when she came in and found the first bra on her little cousin, so she made her move, and made sure to pop it as loud as she could. This really totally embarrassed me, but as you could say I lived through it.
What about the trips to Moultrie, Georgia to see Aunt Sissy and Uncle Johnny. I give it to Connie and Cathy, as soon as we got there Cathy would swing by, pick me up and spend a majority of the day with me (outside of all the grownups) and then Connie would take me back to the Southwell house for the night. I give it to my lovely cousins, I never had to spend much time with the grownups of the family.
Well guess you could say it has taken more than two pages to describe what a Driggers is. Going to school in Prattville wasn’t always that easy. See, I had Alice there a few years ahead of me, though she is family and I love her dearly, but do you know what it’s like to be a freshman and all the teachers when they called your name, looked at you with pure horror? Then came the question, “Do you know an Alice? Are you related to her?” So see growing up a Driggers isn’t so BAD at all.
Do you remember who the first person was that you danced with? Was it at school? Well my first experience will forever be in my brain, because it was inside Uncle Donnie’s and Aunt Carol’s house, in Alice’s bedroom with Curt Wood. Yeah can you say embarrassment? So see please believe me when I tell you, having my family in your life, may not always be the easiest thing in the world, but I am thankful that I have them in my life. Yeah I think I blushed for a solid year after Alice asked me if I wanted to learn how to dance with Curt. It’s still a little awkward these days if I see him out in public. Alice on the other hand, thinks nothing of it. So if you ever don’t want to be embarrassed then my advice is take Jennifer with you, but again if you don’t mind being embarrassed or you don’t embarrass easily then hey Alice loves to go to Wal-Mart.
Do you remember the day Jennifer had Bryana? She was so adorable, the littlest thing I had ever seen. I do remember the trip we were all in Moultrie (I don’t know for what), but Aunt Carol & Uncle Donnie brought Bryana (she may have been a few months old), but everyone wanted to hold her. My favorite was thing was dressing her up, and watching her stare at new things that caught her eye. When Jennifer laid her down in the pen for her nap, I remember laying a pillow down and wanting to lay down and watch her. What can I say, I love kids….
Speaking of Moultrie, you all remember Chip don’t you? Chip is Cathy’s son, and I remember as a kid, when we were all together, wherever Chip was, you could bet I wasn’t far behind. There again is another cousin that I found just interesting. If you haven’t had the chance to see him recently, he hasn’t changed at all. Still the same ole Chip!!! Still has the reddish hair.
Do you remember Will? Will was always the sporty cousin still is. We were always proud of him, because even when he was in school, Aunt Sissy would send us cutouts of his newspaper articles so that we could keep track of him. He just got married this year to his high school sweetheart. Will and Megan are adorable together. I am so proud of him. And still have every news article that Aunt Sissy ever mailed to my house about him. He will go far in life.
What about Denver? Denver is Cathy’s daughter. I loved always getting to go and see Denver. She is one of my special cousins who I love dearly. I got to see her recently when we went to Will’s wedding this year. Let me say she has grown up to be an awesome person. Nothing has changed.
Do you also remember spending a lot of time at Uncle Marion and Aunt Mamie Lee’s house? Uncle Marion always had the coolest tricks to show me, though I am sure you all have seen them way before I ever did, right? From the spill proof glass, to the banishing coins, he even had it set up that when the mail was delivered it would ring a buzzer on the living room wall by his chair. Those were some awesome times that I am grateful I had the chance to have. I remember getting the chance a few times in my childhood, sitting at the chair with Aunt Mamie Lee and her letting me comb her hair. She always had the softest hair and it was really long. It fascinated me to see how long it was.
So I guess you could say although I don’t get to see a lot of the Driggers’ clan on a daily basis, I know deep down in my Little Heart, I can call them and no matter where they maybe, they will always have time for their Baby Cousin. So you know no matter what happens in life whether it be good or bad I am SUPER glad that I am a Driggers.
Posted by
8:51 PM
January 2, 2009
1st drawing of 2009
This is the first sketch of 2009. If you didn't know, I love to draw, it calms my nerves down. I don't do my artwork for anyone but myself, so I hope you like it, if you don't please keep your rude comments to yourself.
Peace in 2009
Posted by
1:13 PM
This is my Aunt Eloise & My Uncle Ellis. Aren't they adorable together? These are two people that have had an awesome part of my childhood and a part of my growing up.
Posted by
12:51 PM