October 14, 2009
Music on the Mind

Posted by
12:01 PM
October 13, 2009
October 9, 2009
The Cell
no i am not going to be talking about a Scary Movie.
I am actually going to be talking about the Actual Cellphone.
For most of your know me & mom dumped Alltel after 5 Refurbished phones and they still didn't work!!! And joined the happy nation of T-mobile.
I ended up purchasing A blackberry, lets just say with work and family sometimes it's easier to just send an email or a txt. (Right Aunt May)?
And up to the most part of it, I was satisfied up until last week, the BB wouldn't keep a charge at all, so I contacted there wonderful Customer Service Department and they were so kind to ship me out another one. Told me it would possibly the battery so they shipped out the battery last friday. Well i got it saturday and by monday it still wasn't keeping a charge. Well with all the visits at the Dr's office for mom, we just had time to contact them Wednesday about the phone. They told her it would be 7-10 business days before another would be shipped out.
Do you know people, I had a new phone sitting at my house last night when i got home!!!!
I was shocked... Because i know before with Alltel it would have been closer to the 10 business day rule.
But with T-Mobile it was a day and a half......
Needless to say (knocking on wood), that this one is working just fine now!!!
Can i get a thank you!!!!
Posted by
11:20 AM
The Passing
I would like for the world to take a few minutes of silence in the passing of a straight mentor to me.
Ms. Faye Whatley
A true Gem.
Between her & Ms. Mary, they had a huge part in my childhood upbringing. Both ladies were Nursery Workers at Prattmont.
My prayers & thoughts go out to Donna and the boys.
Posted by
11:18 AM
Friday is the Day
So it is official Today is Friday..... Can you believe it? I am so excited that today is the day!!!
Can you smell the salt air now???
Posted by
11:17 AM
October 8, 2009
Well it's Thursday here in the south, and must i say, it's not that hot outside either. I love it when it starts getting a little cold outside....
It's been a bit of a hectic week in the Life of Driggs. But i am not complaining at all, for this i promise.
As i told you below I have gotten into doing a little bit of photography, and after some comments from some people, it makes me not want to do it. But then again this is why God placed my mom to be my mom, she tells me, if it makes you happy, then do it, don't do it to please others!!
Gotta run, I have a million & one things to do before 4 o'clock hits.
Posted by
10:40 AM
October 7, 2009
Well as some may say it's been a minute well a few months since I have been on here. So i think i will take the time to bring my family & friends up to date.
I am officially 28 as of September 1st. Yeah can you believe it, I can actually hear the knock of 30 now. Though I have been told that 30 is when everything starts making sense in the World. Where you can find the answer to most questions on your own, and when people start respecting you and your opinion in life. Go figure. The one thing that most Human beings want, actually doesn't come around until your 30. Who wrote that book? And when was it published?
I also have learned that my Mom is a Godsend, and I am not sure what i would do without her, and for the record I don't think i am ready to find it out.
As most of you know also I have the most cutest LIL cousin i the world, and it truly is a blessing to be able to watch her grow and to witness the many new/different things she is learning and has already learned.
I have also learned that I love Bugles.... Go figure.... Aunt Judy has a receipe that she puts Peanut Butter in and then dips them in White Chocolate.
Also notice that Happiness in the eye of the Beholder!!!
I also have been having some trouble with my knee/thigh, the same one that I injured while riding the school bus.. Needless to say that was the last day i rode the bus, and the first time i actually seen my mom raise cane.
I also thought i had lost contact with my Uncle Rex, but as of today I found him. You had me scared there UR.
I also found out that I am very lucky to have friends in my life. Special shout out to Margaretteville, Angie, Fly-mi, and Yetta oh and my Nik.
I also for the past few months have really gotten into doing some Photography work, if you get a chance to check out some of my work here is the website for it.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the wednesday...**FYI,,,, WELCOME BACK UR"
Posted by
9:22 AM