Okay so let me introduce you to the Prattville Girls... We started out as just four girlfriends who found there way together through PLD.
When Margot came along, she was a resident of the gump, but we shortly got her to Prattville before to long!!! Thank God, she's 5mins from me, and it's super cool to have friends in the same location as you!!
then came my 21st birthday... How exciting, (for some), just a normal day to me and just another day older.... But my girls took me to tequilia grill for my birthday...
i so must find the picture of Bells and the famous bird!!!!
and then we added Stacy to the bunch, and a week or so later we added Linda
This is Bell's & Me. Bells is our resident CM person. She has a huge heart, and would do anything she could for you. I have learned a lot from you in the years that we have been friends, and i am extremely thankful & blessed that we are friends. You know if you ever need anything all you have to do is **beep me**!
This is Margot, Go-Go, and her personal favorite "Mom", (not mine, but she has an awesome child) Hey Cade. What can i say, since the first time that i met her, we clicked from get go! Which doesn't happen very often with me. And most of you know that if something is bothering me, i tend to stay to myself (thanks furfer), but only 6 people can seriously look at me and know that something is wrong, and will pull me aside and be like hey what's wrong? talk to me... One is my mother, two is Bells, three is margot, and four is Ms. P. You know i am very truly blessed to have you as a friend, and even more blessed to have your son as my nephew... (p.s. if you want to see what cade looks like, look a few blogs down in may, he has one to himself). Margot, you know if you ever need me, all you got to do is call. ***
Meet Angie (on the left), margot i have already introduced in the one above). Angie, i have known the longest, heck she knew about me before i stepped on this earth!! What can i say Angie, we weren't close growing up, because naturally you are 11yrs older than me, but i can remember your brother more than anything. I am glad that we are friends i have you in my life. You know i wish you nothing but the best out of life, and all the happiness in the world. You ever need me all you have to do is **beep** me.!!!
This is Linda and LuLu. We'll start with Linda, what can i say about you that you already don't know. Your awesome with a calculator!!! And i know that i have spent several times in your office **venting**, and yet you still open up your office to me so that i can vent!! Thanks... Your also awesome with giving advice. Now will end with LuLu, your awesome with information, i know if i ever don't understand something, i know if i ask you, I can find out my answer like *that*... Oh and your knowledge of CM things, and DS things... And where i can find my best deal at!!!! Oh and you have a cool mom and an even cooler dog!! what up holly!!
Then we got the coolest of the bunch... Mrs. Angela... She's so super sweet, and very quiet, though i guess i haven't been around her that much... I promise to fix that Mrs. Angela.
Here are some Misc pics....... (yeah don't kill me girls)
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