Well first of all this a.m. Today is my niece's birthday. Happy Birthday to Cayce. Second. It snowed this a.m., can you believe it?? Real live snow. Isn't it adorable??? So you know I had to put on my Connie cap, and go outside and take some pictures. I love the snow, (though not enough to live in a STATE that has it year round). So lucky for me livining in the south, it only happens every few years (if i am lucky). I like to play in the snow, though I have no one to throw a snow ball at?!?!?!??!?!? I know you all are saying hey your dad is home, why not throw one at him, well, he wasn't outside for me to do so. So I just took some goofy pictures and "danced" in the snow!!! You know how some people say it's there life dream to dance in the rain, well guess what people, it's even better to dance in the snow.
Well I am off, to get back under the covers, because as of right now I can't feel my toes or my fingers!!! Guess I remember now, why i don't live in the states that have it year around on call.
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