April 11, 2008

To be a daughter of a Twin

Well, my great Uncle passed away, so it's been a little around the crib, so i am just now getting some of my posting done. You know I can honestly say, where would I be without such awesome friends and wonderful cousins! They truly know how to make a smile appear on my face!

Okay so anyone who knows me knows my father is a twin, well let me bring you up to the conversation that was told to me on Wednesday of this week:

"So you know Alice right, well her dad is a twin, and she is the younger sister to Jennifer, well Michelle is the younger cousin to both, and belongs to the other twin"...

Usually in the past, this conversations ends with, "Do you know Alice & Jennifer"?? Which ends with me going, nope, never met them a day in my life! Can you introduce me? and then they look at me like i am crazy as you know what!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

As the daughter of the other twin, I can say - it is funny how people react sometimes. I couldn't tell u how many people have come up to us in restaraunts and stores and started talking to Daddy and when they walk away, we were like - "who was that?" And he would say, "I have no idea, they must know your uncle".