August 31, 2007









August 30, 2007

The Next Cadillac

Let me introduce the next Cadillac to you......... Cade......

He's a true Auburn fan and get it honestly from his mom.....

Ever feel like a rugrat?????

Well, I was given this lollipop several years back, by a very special person in my life, she went from a coworker, to a teacher, to a supervisor, to a more like a mommy dearest figure (which for you all that know me, know i don't let many people in my that role). Mona always told me that the character of Chuckie reminded her of me...... What can I say Mona, you started off with a wonderful impression on me, and ended up leaving footprints in the heart!!!!

August 28, 2007

Something to remember

okay so as you can read the picture to left of me, it explains something very important! But you have to Truly seek Him!!! Just imagine your sitting in a class one day (Sunday school class for example) and your waiting on it to begin, and all of a sudden you look up at the board (grant you the saying has been on the board for a minute now and you were even there when it was written on the board), but you never payed attention until now!!!! WoW!!! ***All i can say is goosebumps***

August 27, 2007

Happy Early Birthday

Okay so i bet you had forgotten Mrs. Cynthia I know it has been since 2000 since we have celebrated... But I just wanted to wish you a Happy Early Birthday.....
I do hope you have a great great Birthday....




August 24, 2007

Most Recent Pic of Me

Well since I don't like being in pictures, I mostly take them, a friend of mine decided it was complete turn around, that I looked cute in my skirt, and she thought I should have a picture of it.. So I thought I would post for those of you that I don't get to see on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

August 23, 2007

A Reason, A Season or A Lifetime

Ms. Patty has been telling me for the past year and a half that God puts people in your life for A Reason, A Season or A Lifetime, depending on what God sees needing to fit.

So my challenge to you all, can you see the difference??

August 22, 2007

Why God made kids.......

I have the answer... finally i know the answer, you would think after 25 years i would have been known this, but I learned the answer tonight... And you know i think i should share it with the WORLD......

Here it is are you ready????

You sure your ready??? You can always scroll down really fast if you don't think your ready for the answer...

Here it goes.....

The Reason Why God made kids..........

After you have had a long and drawn out week (grant you it's only Wednesday in Alabama) but it still feels like i have gone 3 weeks without a weekend... (That's another story on it's own)! But I got in my car at 430 this afternoon (from work) and headed to Pville for the night, Well i was actually headed to Church, because Monday I told Aunt Janis to sign me up to help out with Dinner at the Church (hey i am trying with God's help to get more involved), so she said that would be great, but said she didn't know if they would need help tonight, to just ask her when i got there! I told her yes ma'am, and that I loved her and ended the email.

When i got there around 5'ish, I walked in the Fellowship Hall, waited patientlly for her to finish talking, and then for further instructions on if she needed to help or not. When she finished, she asked me if i could do her a huge favor and wait for Rhonda (don't know if it is spelled right) because she had Jersee and was dropping her off. Well needless to say after me waiting almost 20mins, she sent Uncle Rob out there to wait with me, which is cool, after a few more mins of waiting he asked me to go inside and see if she had called, I did as I was told, and as I am walking back out, Her and Uncle Rob are walking into the Church. So I helped her get her plate and then for her to find her seat next to Ellie and make sure she ate!!! **I really felt important then**

The kids have to be in there classes by 6pm, which I was asked by Courtney if i would please be in the Nursery to help her out tonight, (which i thought i would offer to Mrs. Lori anyways), ONly 3 kids as some would say, but 3 wonderful kids...

There is a play kitchen area in the Nursery, they thought it was hillarious to go and fix you some juice or something to eat, and come running back to you just so that you could fake eat it for them, it's really cute to sit back and watch! ~ now grant you i don't have any kids, and i am not ready for any at this moment, but i love to be around kids, to get on the floor and put a puzzle together, or to sit around the Lego box and build a Castle **Courtney that's all on you**, or for them to run up and say play with me... When you have a kid come up to you, look you in your face, and say play with me...Please... while they are nearly crawling up your lap, anyone with a heart couldn't say no!!! No matter what kind of day, week, moth or year you have had!! Like you read a few post down from her, A very special person in my life and to my family passed away yesterday, she was a strong Christian woman and very active in her Church, so there were a few prayers, and thoughts being seen tonight, even with all of that, when you have one of the kids in the nursery come up to you and look you in your face and ask you, What's your name??? and you tell her "Michelle" and she just picks up and says "Chelle" and takes you by the hand to come sit on the floor and play with her!!!

Let me tell you, everything you had going on, or might be thinking about, or even curious about has left your mind, and you grab her up, tell her to pick a puzzle so you can sit on the floor with her and watch her put the puzzle together, and then tell you, another one....

So even if it had been a "stressful" day at work, the minute you see those kids come running towards you hollaring "miss michelle" "miss michelle", all of it goes out of your mind, as you bend down to see what they wanted. So your main concern at that times is to make sure those kids are happy, secure, not hurt, and learning as the night goes by!!

In other words, Why did God make kids...... To lighten grown folks up!!! To teach them to get on the floor and PLAY!!! And not waste a dull moment...

Any Questions?????

August 21, 2007

Can you guess whose in the pictures????

To my Family & Friends, I already know who is in the pictures, I just wanted to give everyone a blast from the past... Enjoy!!!!


Okay, i knew it would come sooner or later, but my bet was on the later part, but Miss Jersee is Cheerleading...... As soon as I get a picture, I will put it on here. Can you all believe that??? Gosh, I am getting OLD!!!!!


Well I guess i some how gave the blog bug to you... I am super glad that you started you one, and look forward to helping you if needed. I love you Furfer!!!

Important Person in my Life

Ms. Mary Ruth Thompson passed away this afternoon, her and Mr. Clyde were a huge part of my life, as a child, a teenager, and even into the adult age. Mr. Clyde passed away several years back, and now a sad night of a phone call telling me that Ms. Mary Ruth passed. My thoughts and prayers are with with Kristina and her family in this loss.

10 days until I hit 26

it's getting closer every minute. Well only 10 days left until I turn 26.
Oh my am i getting older every breath i take.
But Hey, it beats the alternative!!!


Okay so not many of you know that I am a little bit afraid of heights... Yeah well, I can honestly tell you now that my level has gone from a little bit to a lot more... Especially after riding this.. This is the Goliath, it's one of the newer rides at Six Flags over Georgia... If you can't tell my eyes are closed and i have a death grip on the bar... Yeah this was my first and last roller coaster ride... But thanks goes out to Britt & Jenni for the encouragement to ride it....

Granny Esther

The Child in the middle is Granny Esther Lamb Driggers...
****Isn't she cute???*****

A day of laughter

So i went at lunch up to the parentals building to see my poppie and moms. Of course with my father have been there as long as he has, you tend to know a couple hundred people in the building and i am not bluffing either. Though the cute thing my mom told me today was that ARI calls me there youngin.... Ha... I love all of them ladies up there, but there is one special person that works in ARI that is another mum figure in my life.... Mrs. P. I love you dearly... Then when i went down to see my poppie, I got to see all the family down there (and i call them family because i have been going down there to see him since i was probably 2 or 3 wks old) There's my Uncle Jack & My Uncle Rex down there, God love them, they have to put up with pops on a daily basis (I know that can be a rough job) Just Kidding Dad!!! So my Uncle Rex jumped on my case about not having posted in a while... (if you have never had the chance to meet my uncle rex, you don't know what your missing) of course all of my family have met Uncle Jack (and love him and Aunt Judy to death)!!! So i am posting a few things for my dear Uncle Rex.... See all i have to do now is get a picture of you (i am sure i can find one) and post you on here!! Yeah betcha didn't know you have such a huge responsibility as an Uncle huh??? Well Uncle Rex, it was a blast getting to see you today and have a good laugh with you always my favorite.... And i got to even see my "Grammie", (Graham) for those who don't know who grammie is. I love getting to see her, though with my schedule and hers i don't get to see her very often, so i do make an attempt to stop in when i go up there to speak to her and to grab a quick hug from her.... My Grammie is a very cool and special person to me in my life...

This is my Uncle Jack & my Uncle Rex

This is Mom's office (minus Tamica)... I'll fix that one!!

This is my "Grammie", though it's not a recent picture, this was back in 1999!!

A day to be proud of

This is Tyler or Tyler Bug to some. This is my wonderful nephew whom i love to pieces. But I can honestly tell you all this day was a very favorite day of mine. I got to spend sometime with Red and Tyler. If you all didn't know, Red is my best friend, we have been friends since she couldn't walk probably... But this was a day I was proud of, I was trying to take Tyler's picture with my camera phone and i stuck my tongue out to get his attention, (if you all didn't know i am very known for sticking my tongue out in pretty much every picture or at least i try too) so I was so proud when he returned the tongue...

A day of relaxing.......

So most of you know by now that Poppie is retiring from the state with a lot of years behind him... Hmmm.... I wonder what it will be like when he retires????? I sure it will be nothing like the image above, of course my father is man, but she just looked so darn comfortable and like she had been retired for years....
Things to wonder......

August 20, 2007

11 Days till the BiG 26

Alright people i am officially getting old.... but please leave your canes at home.... Because i honestly don't feel that old and probably don't act that old
What can i say some people have already asked what i wanted or what i wanted to do for my birthday... I love spending time with my family & friends and having pictures of the occasion to help me remember it. And you all know i love surprises so I don't ever ask for anything.

August 16, 2007

I'm a Pepper

Okay so those of you that are Dr. Pepper fans like myself have you all noticed the new cans???

The can be a little scary. The top part says Don't you want to be a Pepper too???

Who comes up with these ideas???

August 15, 2007



International iPhoning Results in $3,000 Bill
Wed Aug 1, 2007 8:28AM EDT
See Comments (201)
It was only going to be a matter of time before something like this happened. Someone decided to take their iPhone on a little jaunt to Europe, where he says he underwent "sporadic AT&T EDGE network usage off and on mixed with wifi when available." The bill waiting for him when he got home: three grand. (And I bet it was 40 pages long, too.)
Dave Stolte is hardly alone in the annals of absurd, accidental overseas charges, but as more and more people start traveling abroad with their iPhones, cases like this are going to become a lot more common, and fast. The iPhone is a chatty little device, constantly checking the network and calling home to the mothership, and iPhone users quickly get spoiled on its nifty data features, using them constantly to check the web, watch videos, etc. (In fairness: You do have to call AT&T first and ask for international roaming to be unlocked for this to work at all.)
Those little charges add up fast. $0.02 per kilobyte sounds pretty cheap, right? WRONG. Do the math: A 1-megabyte web page (a very common size) costs almost twenty bucks to open. 20. Dollars. Whoa. Seriously. (Thanks to Portfolio for helping out with our collective multiplication, and noting that there are various rate plans available, going down to $.005 per KB, which would still be about $5 per megabyte.)
So what do you need to do if you're going abroad with your iPhone? Portfolio suggests the same thing I do: Sign up for an affordable international voice plan but disable the data plan altogether. You can still use data services over Wi-Fi, which is free. The inconvenience of not being able to check Google Maps when you're away from a hotspot is nothing compared to a multi-thousand dollar data bill. When you get home, just turn your data services back on.
Stolte's story has a happy ending. After wide online publicity, AT&T agreed to waive the charges. As the first to report such a problem, he's the lucky one. But I doubt the next 10,000 or so people to fall into this predicament will find AT&T so accommodating. Don't become one of them


Well today was a sad/happy day for the PLD workforce. Today was "Bells" last day with us, (hince the sad part) but i am super happy for her she got a promotion (hince the happy part). She starts tomorrow with the Department of Education, she's in good hands...

I love you Bells you truly are a best friend and a sister that I now have. Trust me, I will be visiting when i go up to see the parentals....

;) See i didn't put the picture you didn't like on there....

Little Bitty Prattville..................

Okay so how many of you can say that you remember prattville when.....

1. No super walmart
2. Only 1 mexican place
3. The Ice cream shop/candy store downtown prattville
4. No bowling alley
5. It was TOO hot to go to Pratt Park or Spinners
6. Having the dances at the Doster Center
7. The gas station across from the Guest House was a 7/11
8. Before the Gin burned
9. The parades that the Mann Dance use to have.. (grant you they still have them, but it's not any fun anymore since i am not a apart of it).
10. The big tree in front of Prattmont Baptist Church, (where i had my senior pic made)
11. it being "safe" to play in the street
12. Are when you got mad at your parents or they got mad at you and you stormed out, thinking they would never find you (all while you went and hid in your neighbors house) ***Thanks Uncle Rob & Aunt Jan***
13. Having neighbors that weren't just neighbors but were **FAMILY**
14. When $4 or $5 could get you a movie (downtown) and some snacks!!!!
15. Summer school back in 1997
16. Are when you didn't want to be bothered with anybody or anything (as a kid) going next door and climbing up on the sofa (directly up under Uncle Rob's arm pit) and just sit there and watch t.v. with him!!

**i guess you are asking where is this coming from, huh?? Well guess what... Prattville opened up the Bass Pro Shop Today***

Hmm... You know me, I don't see the point!!! Never been fishin', gross worms, bait, i think i am going to be sick. But you know, I don't know a business opening up, more jobs for the folks here. But worms??? GROSS

August 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Jackson

Happy Birthday Jackson..........

To be 86....

Today is Granny Boozer's 86th Birthday.... I would like to thank God that He has blessed me enough to still have her as a part of my life.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y G R A N N Y B O O - B O O

August 13, 2007

"Undo" by Rush of Fools

I’ve been here before
Now, here I am again
Standing at the door
Praying You’ll let me back in

To label me
A prodigal would be
Only scratching the surface
Of who I’ve been known to be

Turn me around, pick me up
Undo what I’ve become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, I need Your help
I can’t do this myself
You’re the only one
Who can undo what I’ve become

I focused on the score
But I could never win
Trying to ignore
A life of hiding my sin

To label me
A hypocrite would be
Only scratching the surface
Of who I’ve been known to be

Turn me around, pick me up
Undo what I’ve become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, I need Your help
I can’t do this myself
You’re the only one
Who can undo what I’ve become

Make every step lead me back to
The sovereign way that You

Turn me around, pick me up
Undo what I’ve become
Bring me back to the place
Of forgiveness and grace
I need You, I need Your help
I can’t do this myself
You’re the only one who can undo
You are the only one who can undo
You’re the only one who can undo
What I’ve become

Innocent Victim's Mother Speaks

**All of this is over who has the better football team** It's sad that this has happened, I am from Prattville, my prayers and thoughts go out to the family of the innocent individual....

Brenda Bennett lives in West Wetumpka with her family. Just before she got up for work Saturday morning, the unthinkable occurred right outside her house.

"Had I stayed in a little longer, I might have been out this morning when this was going on," Bennett explained.

Luckily, she wasn't harmed. However, her son, Romanda Mitchell, 35, was--as shots rang out in their yard.

"The tree's got bullets in it over here." Bennett described the scene to WSFA 12 News.

"He was trying to dodge a bullet and took a bullet," she said.

At that point, Mitchell became an innocent victim of a shooting sparked by a separate argument between Prattville and Wetumpka residents at the local armory.

"As some of the guys from the Prattville area had mentioned the fact that they were going to come back and kill somebody," explained Elmore County Sheriff Bill Franklin.

Hours later, at around 4:30 Saturday morning, the men carried out their threat, firing multiple rounds on Wetumpka's Crenshaw Drive.

After the tragedy came good news.

"We have four men in custody right now," Franklin said.

The suspects in custody are all teenagers. All except one are from Prattville. Each suspect is behind bars under a $500,000 bond.

Brenda Bennett says the tragedy of this morning's shooting affects more than just her own family.

"Innocent lives, including their own lives. Their parents are suffering just like I am," Bennett admitted.

Sheriff Franklin tells WSFA 12 News the four men are charged with murder at this point, but charges could be upgraded to Capital Murder if they determine the shots came from inside the suspects' vehicle.

Hurricane Flossie

Will Hurricane Flossie make landfall??????????
If she makes landfall, with it be a Cat 4 or a Cat 1??
Will she be the last Hurricane of the season???
AS hot as it has been in Alabama (alone) I would think not!!!

August 12, 2007

Me & The Wesson's

Chelle & Bre..............

Of course you know i had to get a picture of me with my "new" cousin, though technically he's been apart of the family since before Jamaica!!!!

Chelle & Michael.........

August 11, 2007

My middle name is not.....GRACE!!!!!!!!!!

Well so for everyone who knows me knows my middle name is not GrAcE... Never has been, never will be.... So i guess you could say I am the only one so far that I know who can fall going up the stairs..... yes I said UP! Well my knee has just over the past few hours gotten bigger and bigger and bigger... Not to fun..... Any how, mom took me to Primed because the bruises started to get worse and the Dr there put me on crutches... yes i said crutches.... can you imagine that??? I hate them stupid things...... Anyhow, I hope everyone else is having a better day than i have had, but you know I am thankful that it wasn't broke heck i could have broke my neck also... so I am going to turn my :( upside down and thank God that it wasn't any worse.... ;)

August 10, 2007

Auburn vs. Alabama

Okay so after visitng Jennifer's myspace page, I decided to go ahead and do the quote on my blog site...

As if you didn't already know.. I am a huge "AuBuRn" Fan.... Have been since day one... I'll try to find the pictures of me as a baby in my Auburn outfit and post on here.

But as most of you know, over half of my family are Alabama fans.. (Only God knows what happened on that end)... And most of my friends are Alabama Fans (yeah you would think i would as an Auburn fan, know how to pick friends)... But needless to say, that hasn't happened yet!!! But no matter there football standings I love each and every one of them!!!

As we have this saying at work (thank God I still have Margot) that we shall see, things tense up with the emails' and the taunts the whole game season between the two of us and Antwionne.... ***As you can guess he is an Alabama fan***

My new cousin (and his whole family) God love them, are all Alabama fans... Pour Bre!! No worries I still love the Wessons' just the same oh and the Herrings!


Tears of Happiness, He's no longer suffering

My thoughts and prayers are with Ms. Sherrill (My Ms Parris) in the loss of her stepfather Mr. Art I love you Ms. Parris

August 9, 2007

Favorite picture

Well as i am going through some of dad's ole pictures, I ended up finding this picture of my aunt sissy or as mom says i would call her as a child, my granny sissy (don't ask me why)... You know looking at this picture you tend to realize that back in those days things were super hard to come by! Mom tells me all the time, that I look a lot like Aunt Sissy, i do know that would make me really proud. She has always had a special place in my heart~and always will!!!

Isn't she beautiful in this dress??? If you don't know the story behind the dress ask me, I don't mind telling you the story.

I love you Aunt Sissy

You know you're a true 'Prattvillian' when....

You know you're a true 'Prattvillian' when....

11.You refer to Prattville as P'Ville...its not cool to anyone else cept a true Prattvillian!
10. Whenever you give someone directions they start off, " Do you know where Wal-Mart is?"
9. You remember when the movie theater was in front of Food Fair. $2.00!!!
8. You spent just about everyday during the summer at the YMCA.
7. You went to at least one Friday Night Live during middle school.
6. You bought a new out-fit for Field Day in Junior High School.
5. You go to Wal-Mart to hang out with friends.
4. You remember making fun of Mr. Butler's lack of cervical vertebrae(a nice way of saying "no neck!!") BUNK!!
3. You participated in Senior Skip Day and tried to convince Mrs. Nolette to write you a pass.
2. Your idea of a vacation is going to the lake.
and finally.........................
1. If you went to college at Auburn,Troy,or the University of Alabama.

if you laughed or nodded your head to more than 4 while reading any of these, then you are an official Prattvillian!!!!