April 29, 2009


I want to wish Angie a Happy Birthday!!!
I hope you have an awesome day!! You deserve it!
**P.S. Yes I did the desk, I am very proud of it**

10 Years Already?!?!?!?!?

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!!!!!!

April 25, 2009

A day of First

Well today was an awesome day!!! Let me explain.

I went with some friends fishing.. Yes you heard me correctly fishing!!! JBO i know you are proud...

That's right above I went fishing!!! And caught a fish!!! See above picture...

I also had my first experience with a Horse, this is Lady!! Isn't she beautiful? She is with Child... Yep due in July.

It's been an awesome day!!! Check the city girl out, she stepped into the country for a few minutes (acutally a few hours), and had a ball!!!


April 19, 2009

A Little Ticked

What up people?!?!?!?

So I am a little ticked.. And for those that have talken to me in the past 24hrs know why!!!
As most of you know I was with Alltel as my Cellphone provider, well guess what?!?!?!? That crap ended Saturday.

April 17, 2009

I am sitting in a Computer Tech class. Can I tell you all its pretty awesome learning new techniques for the techniques!!

I had dinner with Kayla last night. Who would have guessed that she is a pretty funny person to be around?? We started out at Olive Garden and then ended up at Pratt Pub with her mom & drake. That's an evening all for itself!!

April 14, 2009

Mom and her two daughters... This is me & kayla and her mom. I love being able to have them in my life. They truly are awesome people!!!

Mrs. Lynne took me in the first time I met her, told me from that point on to call her mom. And I have been doing so everyday since.

This is Easter 2009 pics.


This is me & Kayla. We have been friends for about 6 years now. I love her to death, she truly has become one person, that I love to have in my life.
To KK,
I got your back girlie, no matter what!!!


This is Jersee & Taylor. Aren't they adorable together?


Question to all the people out there.... Well a few questions actually....

1. If your Uncle and His wife get divorced, is it okay to still call His wife "Aunt"?
2. If you work on floor 17 of a building and a Helicopter comes by the window, do you jump?
3. If you went to Prattville High School, Do you remember Roy Johnson?
4. If you are a Driggers, does anyone have a picture of the OLD Barn out by Granddaddy Driggers House? I know you all know the one I am talking about... It had a play lawn mower that blew bubbles up there for the kids...
5. Did everyone have a Blessed Easter?
6. Note to Aunt May, awesome Bunny Monkey!!! is it a stamp?
7. Does anyone know who Freddie is?
8. If you have only known someone for a little over 5 months, Can you actually say you love them?
9. Is it time for a Vacation?
10. I am so ready just to get out of Alabama for a while, anybody feel like having company for a few days?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
11. If your head is spinning, and you have to ride an elevator up to 17, does it stop?
12. Please be in prayer for Debbie Pirkle. Mrs. Debbie, has always been like a mother figure to me, and has always treated me like I was her own daughter. I love you!!

April 12, 2009


I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter!!!! Please REMEMBER the reason!!!

April 10, 2009


This picture was taken today at work. I know cute right? This is at the very top of my building.. Over looking the Interstate towards Prattville.


I was a flower girl in the wedding of Nick & Renee. I have a picture of me in the dress at home. I will added it to the post when I get home!!
Seems like it was just yesterday that I was sitting on the steps of the Church listening to Connie & Cathy talk, and then being told my mother that I needed to stand up and act right!!

April 7, 2009

Color time



I know you all know who Tyler is...

My "country boy" nephew is adorable isn't he?????

Me & Bobby

How many of you know Bobby? Have you ever met him? Do you know his name? Bobby has been a part of my life now for over a decade, and I am truly blessed to have him in my life.
Much respect to him.

April 5, 2009


Life sometimes has a funny way of bringing things around in your life, to where you sit there and wonder what in the world is going on?

Happy Birthday Mom

Okay I wanted to wish my Mom a Happy Birthday. She means the world to me, and I am so very lucky to have her in my life.

**I hope, I don't get in trouble for the Picture**


I don't want to Struggle no more,
They say when it rains, it pours,
So why is it flooding at my door,
I don't want to live check to check,

I find myself looking around,
seeing what the world Has to give,
Not knowing which way to turn,
Trying to find a way out of the rain.

I went up to a door,
trying to find a way in,
Not knowing I had the key,
I spent hours knocking at the door,
I went around to the front,
A glass door was standing there,
I looked in to see what I could,
By the looks around,
I had been there before.

All i saw was a Golden bright light,
that shined from a spot in the front,
I looked very closely,
Realizing that it was a CROSS
I was standing at the CHURCH.

I don't want to struggle no more,
I know they say when it rains, it pours,
But there is no longer a Flood at my door,
You see I turned my life over to Christ.

Finding my way in life,
might not always be so easy,
But now I see that I don't have to be alone.