November 12, 2008


So I have had several dreams in the past week about my Grandfather & Granny Driggers. For most of you all know, I was not fortunate enough to meet Granny Esther, though I love hearing the stories that my family has to say about her!!!
**Thanks Renee**
And they are not scary dreams, they are very realistic, it's almost like the ones I have about Grandaddy KK. I actually see them face to face, and talk to them one on one. Boy I wish I could have met Granny Esther, I think she would be very proud of me. Or at least I hope she would. A lot of people in the Driggers family tend to tell me that I remind them a lot of Granny Esther, Wow what a HONOR!!!
But no worries, I will meet her again in Heaven.
I love you Grandaddy Driggers & Granny Esther

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