July 30, 2008

Well See What Had Happened

Okay so I called to talk to my cousin Renee yesterday afternoon, and guess who she said i was???

can you guess........ **Okay here at this time, most of you would say Alice, because we all know including me, that I can sound just like her from time to time**

but nope it wasn't alice!!!

It was Connie.... Ha Ha Ha

I guess spending the weekend around her, I picked up her accent tone!!! Go figure!!!!

Watch out World, the next person i want to sound like is The Queen of Elizabeth!!!

Gosh Connie, guess you have a "Mini Me" around somewhere!!!

Though I am really glad i got to talk to Renee for the time that I did......... It's amazing how much you start remembering about the little things that have gone on in the past with that person while you are on the phone with them.

Okay so today, I was at lunch, and before i knew i had my whole cup (20oz) of sprite on my lap!! Can you say cold??~ Luckily for me I had on black pants, so it wasn't that bad looking~~~


I was looking through the "Driggers'" Album that I making, and found some picture that I don't think many of the family may have. So if you see the book, and you want a copy of the picture, let me know, I can copy it and get it to you. **I do have most of them scanned in** For those that haven't seen the book, let me know, and i will bring it to you!!!!

Hope you all are having an Awesome Wednesday.. I am super excited because I get to see B & Toodleboot tonight!!! Woohoo

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